Children's Ministry
Online Children's Church (OCC) ages of 5-11 years have their monthly service following morning worship service the last Sunday of the month. This of course is a time of fun and excitement. Through Bible stories, songs, and games the children receive and develop Biblical foundations to prepare them for life. Bible stories are brought to life with animated characters focusing on the Bible teaching tools of ethnic and moral standards for kids to go by. Children learn through creative ways Biblical truths that serve as a foundation for them to learn the basics of Bible teachings.

Men's Fellowship
The Men of Valor is a men's fellowship and support group. The men meet together at least once a month for a time of fellowship, sharing of God’s Word, and planning for future events. The Men of Valor has held retreats fellowshipping with men from churches around the United States and Canada.

Women's Fellowship
TOP's Women’s Fellowship is a fellowship ministry designed to bring women together to celebrate our unique personalities, styles, diverse ministry gifts, and the God in us!
We want to touch the lives of all women giving them practical teachings from the word of God that they can apply to their daily lives.
To create a safe, fun, and up-lifting environment that allows women to come and steal away for a couple of hours from the daily grind.
Serve All Women (Establish Relationships/Build Women).
Fourth Saturdays of the month.